Exploring Unique Builds in Elden Ring

Exploring Unique Builds in Elden Ring

Elden Ring, the highly anticipated action RPG developed by FromSoftware, has captivated gamers worldwide with its expansive open-world, challenging enemies, and intricate combat system. As players delve into the game, they discover a vast array of Elden Ring builds, each offering a unique playstyle and strategy. In this article, we’ll explore eight unconventional and thrilling builds that promise to enhance your Elden Ring experience.

  1. The Ultimate God Killer: Faith Build with the Godslayer Greatsword

Our journey begins with the Faith Build wielding the formidable Godslayer Greatsword. This build utilizes black flame and Black Blade attacks, creating a devastating combination. With fire-type buffs and incantations, the Godslayer Greatsword can unleash a three-part attack combo, progressively growing in strength. The Black Blade spell adds a touch of versatility, allowing quick switches for tactical advantages. The only downside is its slow pace, requiring robust defense and high Poise for successful execution.

  1. Spiked Mike: The Spiky Mike Tyson Build

Step into the ring with the Spiked Mike Tyson Build, showcasing the Starfist as the best fist weapon in the game. This build focuses on heavy Affinity with crck blade, wearing strong armor to tank through hits. By buffing charged heavy attacks with axe Talisman and spiked crack tier, players can deliver powerful blows and easily break stances. Experimentation is key, and players can choose between endure and crck blade for different playstyles. Whether opting for a frosty smackdown or a relentless combo, the Spiked Mike Build promises a swift victory.

  1. Uber Tryhard: Unarmored Blood-Infused Greatsword Build

Defying conventions, the Uber Tryhard Build discards armor in favor of dodging every attack. Armed with a blood-infused Greatsword, this build embraces the challenge of staying unarmored. Raptor’s black feathers and a fashionable leg piece complete the attire. The strategy involves quick strikes to proc bleed, utilizing Barbaric Roar or Lion’s Claw for maximum damage. Consumables like exalted flesh enhance buffs, making this build perfect for players confident in their dodging skills.

  1. Rotten Warrior: Double Rotten Hammers with Poison and Frost Infusion

Dive into the realm of passive effects with the Rotten Warrior Build, wielding double Rotten Hammers infused with poison and frost. This Triple Stacker build utilizes the unique properties of each hammer to unleash deadly combinations. Poison Mist and Hor Frost Stomp work in tandem, poisoning, and freezing enemies simultaneously. While limited to one Rotten Hammer per playthrough, players can experiment with alternative hammers and infusions for a versatile and lethal outcome.

  1. Pyro Necromancer: Death Reaper with Ghost Flame and Rancor Death Spells

Embrace the power of death with the Pyro Necromancer Build, wielding ghost flame great swords and death spells. This build employs a power stance with two ghost flame great swords, enhancing them with death spells for a formidable combination. The Prince of Death staff and rancor death spells add a touch of variety to the build. With a focus on intelligence, this build offers a unique playstyle that combines magic damage and frost for efficient stance-breaking.

  1. Blessed Brawler: Tanky Defense with Holy Fist Weapon

Become an unstoppable force with the Blessed Brawler Build, showcasing a super tanky defense and the holy fist weapon, The Cypher. Prioritizing faith, vigor, and endurance, this build relies on the unique combination of The Cypher and holy incantations. The Elden Star spell proves useful for dealing Poise damage, while the Swaddling Cloth provides healing during successive attacks. The build’s flexibility allows for wearing the heaviest armor without sacrificing effectiveness.

  1. Kratos, the God of Ass-Kicking: Dual Magma Blades and Bandit’s Curve Sword

Enter the realm of iconic characters with the Kratos Build, featuring the highest damage potential for the God of War. Utilizing one magma blade and one Bandit’s Curve Sword, this build focuses on fire damage and weapon arts. Flame art infusion, combined with fire-type buffs, creates a devastating combination. Dual-wielding movesets, along with successive attack buffs, ensure an unparalleled damage output. This build captures the essence of Kratos, delivering swift and powerful attacks.

  1. Holy Torpedo: Silurus Tree Great Spear for Ranged Holy Attacks

Claim the top spot with the Holy Torpedo Build, offering an enjoyable and challenging playstyle. Armed with the Silurus Tree Great Spear, players can unleash holy torpedoes from a safe distance. By incorporating defensive buffs and spells like Golden Vow and Blessing of the Earth tree, this build maintains full health for an extra 10% damage boost. This faith and strength hybrid build provides a unique and entertaining way to engage enemies.


Elden Ring’s diverse and intricate combat system encourages players to experiment with various builds, each offering a distinct playstyle. Whether you prefer a tanky defender, a swift and agile attacker, or a ranged spellcaster, the game provides ample opportunities for customization. These eight unique builds showcase the creativity and depth of Elden Ring’s character development, inviting players to explore the vast possibilities within the game’s challenging world.

These eight unique builds require speeding up the strengthening of the gear, and improving the properties of the equipment is inseparable from Elden Ring Runes. MMOexp is a reputable website that sells Elden Ring products.