Skull and Bones: Addressing Visibility and Communication Issues

Skull and Bones: Addressing Visibility and Communication Issues

While I thoroughly enjoy playing Skull and Bones, there are several issues that hinder the overall experience and leave me feeling frustrated. The core mechanics of sailing, combat, and exploration are exceptional, but there are glaring shortcomings that need to be addressed. Here are some of my main concerns:

1, Lack of End Game Content:

  • As the Kingpin of an empire, it’s baffling that I still have to manually collect Po8s. Why isn’t there an automated system in place for higher-ranking players?
  • The absence of Dens in Africa renders a significant portion of the conquerable empire useless. There needs to be more diversity and purpose in the available territories.
  • End game activities feel repetitive and lack depth. We need more resource sinks and meaningful ways to utilize accumulated Po8.

2, Silver Generation and Economy:

  • The current method of generating silver through contraband feels monotonous and uninspired. We need alternative avenues for earning Skull and Bones silver that are engaging and varied.
  • There should be more strategic options for utilizing status effects on weapons, perhaps through different ammunition variants or weapon tiers.

3, PvP Imbalance and Gameplay:

  • Fast travel ambushes remain a frustrating aspect of PvP encounters, while adjustments such as slowing down the chest carrier seem arbitrary and ineffective.
  • Initiating challenges often feels like a death sentence, discouraging players from engaging in competitive gameplay.
  • The lack of diverse sea monster encounters, particularly the absence of the iconic Kraken, limits the excitement and variety of gameplay experiences.

4, Merchant Interaction and User Experience:

  • Selling from the cache or warehouse while disembarked should be a basic functionality to streamline gameplay and reduce unnecessary steps.
  • Improvements to merchant interaction, such as indicating commodity demand levels and offering profitable alternatives to selling goods, would enhance the trading experience.

5, Seasonal Updates and Communication:

  • Season 1 updates were underwhelming, offering minimal content and progression for players. There needs to be a greater focus on delivering meaningful updates and rewards.
  • The lack of communication from the development team regarding ongoing improvements and future updates is concerning. Players need continuous updates and transparency to maintain enthusiasm and engagement with the game.

Overall, while Skull and Bones has immense potential, it is hindered by various visibility and communication issues that need to be addressed, one issue of particular importance is the balance between Skull and Bones Items and Silver. By listening to player feedback, implementing meaningful updates, and improving communication channels, the development team can ensure a more enjoyable and immersive gaming experience for all players.

Mastering Ship Rank and Upgrades Guide in Skull and Bones

Mastering Ship Rank and Upgrades Guide in Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated naval warfare game, not only immerses players in the high seas but also challenges them to master various aspects of their pirate career. Among the many elements to consider, understanding ship rank and how to level it up is crucial for success. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of ship ranking systems, from base ranks to upgrades, providing you with the knowledge to navigate the waters like a seasoned captain.

The Basics of Ship Rank

At the heart of Skull and Bones lies a multifaceted leveling system, encompassing both player infamy rank and ship rank. Ship rank, in particular, is determined by several factors, with the base rank of the vessel serving as a fundamental starting point. Each ship type, whether it’s the agile Badar Ramama or the formidable Bomber Deer, comes with its base rank, ranging from one to five.

Managing Ship Upgrades

To effectively level up your ship, you’ll need to invest in upgrades across three main categories: weapons, armor, and furniture. These upgrades not only enhance your ship’s capabilities but also contribute to its overall rank. Accessing the ship management menu, typically done by holding down the designated button on your controller while docked at an outpost, allows you to oversee and customize your vessel.


Weapons play a pivotal role in shaping your ship’s effectiveness in combat. By acquiring blueprints and gathering resources, you can craft powerful armaments at the blacksmith’s forge. Equipping these weapons to your ship boosts its offensive capabilities and, consequently, its rank. When selecting weapons in the ship management menu, pay attention to the rank indicator displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen. Opt for weapons that offer rank increases to maximize your ship’s potential.


A sturdy hull is essential for surviving the perilous waters teeming with rival pirates and naval forces. Upgrading your ship’s armor not only enhances its resilience but also contributes to its rank progression. Seek out higher rarity armor blueprints to fortify your vessel against enemy attacks. The greater the rarity of the armor, the more substantial the boost to your ship’s rank, providing a significant advantage in battles.


Furniture may seem like a trivial aspect of ship customization, but it plays a significant role in augmenting your vessel’s capabilities. From crew quarters to cargo storage, each piece of furniture offers unique benefits that contribute to your ship’s overall rank. As with weapons and armor, prioritize acquiring and equipping higher rarity furniture to maximize rank gains. Additionally, larger ships boast more slots for furniture, allowing for greater customization and potential rank boosts.

Maximizing Ship Rank Progression

To expedite your ship’s rank progression, adopt a strategic approach to upgrades and customization. Begin by crafting a ship with the highest possible base rank, then focus on acquiring and equipping powerful weapons, armor, and furniture. Regularly assess your ship’s loadout and adjust upgrades to optimize rank gains. By diligently seeking out blueprints, gathering resources, and investing in upgrades, you’ll steadily ascend the ranks of piracy in Skull and Bones.


In the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones, mastering ship rank and upgrades are essential for survival and success. By understanding the intricacies of the leveling system and strategically investing in ship enhancements, you’ll commandeer a vessel worthy of fear and admiration. Whether you’re a seasoned captain or a fledgling buccaneer, use this guide to chart your course to infamy and fortune on the high seas.

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